Legal notice

When you visit the site hereafter referred to as “the Site”, you acknowledge, as a user of the Site, hereafter referred to “you” or “the Visitor”, that you have read and understood the terms and conditions of use stated hereafter, as well as the specific terms and conditions relating to some of the services on the Site, and that you accept said terms and conditions.


1. Legal information

The publisher of the Site is the company CHOCOLATREE, SASU hereafter referred to as “the Publisher”, with capital of € 3.200.000, registered with the Trace and Commerce Registry of Thonon les Bains under the number 753 832 625 and having the intracommunity VAT number FR20753832625. The headquarters is located at: Z.I. “Les Bracots”- BP 23, 74890 BONS EN CHABLAIS.

Tel: +33 (0)4 50 82 55 90


Publishing Director: Virgine Labigne

2. Site hosting

 Nom : Claranet Group

Adress: 2 rue des landelles – 35510 Cesson-Sévigné

 3. Intellectual Property Rights

The Site and all of its content (in particular the trade marks, logos, all graphic, text and IT components of the Site including in particular the tree structures, layout, articles, presentations, illustrations, photographs, and/or any other documents) are protected by French and international regulations relating to intellectual property.

All rights reserved: copyright © – 2018.

In no case can the fact of visiting the Site, or of browsing the information thereon, be interpreted as granting a licence to use or any right to use these elements.

To this end, any representations, reproduction, linking, distribution and redistribution, in whole or in part, is prohibited (Article L. 122-4 of the Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle (French Intellectual Property Code). Any person who does so without the prior express written consent of the holder of these rights risks prosecution for counterfeiting offences (articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle (French Intellectual Property Code). The Publisher may prevail of its rights, in particular concerning intellectual property, to prosecute the infringer, in particular under criminal law.

The Publisher reserves the right to improve or modify, at any time, the information, products, programs or conditions of use described on the Site, and may not be held liable as a result. The applicable terms and conditions and legal notice shall be those applicable on the date of your visit to the Site.

All of the brands cited, in particular Chocolatree, are registered trademarks.

The photographs used on the Site are protected by the copyright. For practical reasons, the credits are not stated on the photographs. For more information concerning the author of the photographs, you may contact the Publisher via the contact form stated on the Site.


4. Hypertext links

The Site may include hypertext links to third-party sites. Any Visitor who is redirected to a third-party site via a hypertext link to other sites expressly acknowledges that the Publisher does not control the content, information, products and services offered on these sites. In consequence thereof, the Publisher may in no case be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from use of sites accessible via hypertext links.

The Publisher can also not be held liable for any hypertext links leading to the Site.

Any person who wishes to add hypertext links to the Site must obtain the Publisher’s prior written consent.

5. Limitation of Liability

The Publisher hereby reminds Visitors of the characteristics and the limits of the Internet. The Publisher cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from access to the Site or, in such a case, inability to access the Site. The Publisher may in no case be held liable if the Site is unavailable, for any reason whatsoever (technical failure, network congestion, etc.).

The Visitor expressly accepts that he is using the Site at his own risk and peril and is solely liable for any consequences arising therefrom. The Publisher cannot be held liable for any damage, direct or indirect, material or immaterial caused to any Visitors, to their IT or telecommunication equipment, to any data stored thereon or for any consequences that may result from their personal, professional or commercial activity.

The information on the Site is provided solely as an indication. The information provided on the Site is periodically updated and checked but may still contain errors. In all cases, the information must be taken into consideration at the time it is put online and not at the time the Site is visited (this data may be updated between the time it is downloaded and the time you read it).In no case may the Publisher be held liable due to this information.


  6. Use of the Site

The Publisher makes the Site available mainly for use by its clientele and by any person wishing to learn about and purchase its products and services.

When you visit the Site:

  • you agree to abide by this legal notice and, more generally, all applicable legislation,
  • you agree to refrain from any abusive collection or misuse of any information to which you may gain access, in particular any nominative information and, in general, you agree to refrain from any act likely to harm third parties.

When you fill in a form and provide information, you agree:

  • that you will provide information that is true and exact at the time it is entered and in particular that you will not use false names, titles or addresses, or any names, titles or addresses without authorisation,
  • that you will keep the registration data up to date in order to be able to constantly ensure that it is true and exact,
  • that you will not provide or distribute any illegal, objectionable or harmful information, programs or other elements (such as viruses, pirated software or pirating software) available,
  • that you will not disseminate information, opinions or comments of a defamatory, obscene, violent or racist nature or, more generally, any information, opinions or comments that violate applicable law and regulations, or that infringe upon personal rights and common decency.

In the event of breach of these provisions, the Publisher reserves the right to prohibit you from accessing the Site or services offered thereon, at your sole liability, and without prejudice to any other claim.


7. Scope of application / Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions shall apply to all Visitors, without any limitation of space or time.